Scalping, day trading, swing trading or position trading: your best choice?

06 Sep 2023
Scalping, day trading, swing trading or position trading: your best choice?

Trading on the Forex market is fast-paced and challenging. Though no one said it would be easy, choosing the right trading strategy is still crucial for minimizing risks and maximizing profits. There are four popular Forex trading strategies: scalping, day, swing, and position trading.

Want to feel confident that you are using the system that works for you? Then your trading strategy should be well-reasoned and back-tested. Your inner calmness makes it easier to follow the rules of your Forex strategy and maintain discipline.

Which Forex trading strategy works for you best?

Choosing the right Forex trading strategy isn’t an uphill task. Actually, it depends on a few factors that include but aren’t limited to your trading skills and style, risk tolerance, and market knowledge. Some traders prefer fast-track scalping and day trading, while others prefer the patience and discipline required for swing trading and position trading. It’s important to choose the Forex trading strategy that meets your goals and preferences. Then, you should continually refine and adapt it according to market conditions and performance. Let's roll!

1. Short-lived trades: scalping

These trades are held just for a few minutes. Scalping is considered one of the most advanced Forex trading strategies out there. It is focused on making many small trades within minutes or even seconds. A scalper beats the bid/offer spread quickly and exits with a few pips of profit. This strategy is based on using low time-frame charts.

Scalpers focus on capturing gains on minor price fluctuations in highly liquid currency pairs. This approach requires the ability to make quick decisions, focus, and discipline. Traders that employ this strategy mostly use real-time news and technical indicators to define entry and exit points for their trades.


  • Quick profits;
  • Minimal market risk.


  • Constant monitoring of the market;
  • High transaction costs due to many trades;
  • Losses can exceed profits.

If executed correctly, this swift trading system can be quite profitable. However, it requires a high level of discipline, skill, and risk management practice. There are a few types of scalp trading strategies:

  1. Trend-based scalping: Scalpers enter positions in the direction of short-term trends. They aim to profit from small price movements and minimize risks by using tight stop-loss orders;
  2. Breakout scalping: Typically, this strategy uses technical analysis tools such as moving averages or chart patterns. It involves trading breakouts of support or resistance levels. Scalpers enter trades once a breakout occurs and exit as soon as the price makes a slight movement in their favor;
  3. News-based scalping: Scalpers take advantage of the increased volatility of the market. When the news breaks, they enter trades and exit once the market absorbs the news and price fluctuations slow down.

2. Trades exited before the end of the day: day trading

These trades are closed before the end of the day, so there is no chance of being affected by large moves overnight. Day trading is the best Forex trading strategy for beginners. As price bars on charts are mostly set to one or two hours, trades may last up to a few hours.

As the name suggests, day trading is about buying and selling currency pairs within one trading day. Day traders strive to capitalize on intraday price movements. This strategy uses chart patterns, technical analysis, and market news to make informed decisions.


  • No overnight risk;
  • Quite profitable.


  • Time-consuming;
  • Mentally exhausting.

Day trading can be profitable, especially if you pass the FXCI evaluation challenge successfully and get access to large capital. You should be skilled, disciplined, and have a solid understanding of market analysis & risk management. Day trading comes in several types:

  1. Range trading: It involves identifying currency pairs trading within a defined price range. Trading within a narrow range enables the trader to buy and sell when an asset is overbought or oversold;
  2. Trend following: Traders follow the prevailing trend in the Forex market, either bullish or bearish. They use technical analysis tools, such as trendlines and moving averages, to determine the trend and enter trades accordingly;
  3. Momentum trading: It focuses on currency pairs that experience strong price movements. Traders enter in the direction of momentum. They use news catalysts or technical indicators, such as moving average convergence divergence (MACD), relative strength index (RSI), or Stochastic Oscillator, to identify these opportunities.

3. Medium-term trading strategy: swing trading

Swing trading is a strategy that focuses on capitalizing from price swings in the Forex market. A swing trader is aiming to top us a trading account from short-term price patterns, therefore positions are held from several days to a few weeks. Typically, a swing trader looks at bars every 30 minutes or hourly. This strategy relies on chart patterns, technical analysis, and market news so as not to miss trading opportunities.


  • Less time-consuming than day trading;
  • Suitable for traders limited in time;
  • Gains could be larger like in short-term strategies.


  • High overnight risk and exposure to weekend gaps;
  • Requires patience and discipline.

Of course, swing trading can be profitable. However, the amount of money in your funded account depends on various factors such as skills, discipline, knowledge, risk management practices, and overall market conditions.

Let’s see what types of swing trading exist:

  1. Counter-trend: This strategy aims to profit from short-term price reversals within a larger trend. Traders look for overbought or oversold conditions, indicated by the RSI or Stochastic Oscillator, to enter a trade in the direction opposite to the larger trend;
  2. Fibonacci Swing Trading: This strategy identifies potential entry and exit points by using Fibonacci retracement and extension levels. Traders seek price reversals at significant Fibonacci levels and enter trades in the direction of the larger trend;
  3. Moving Average Crossover Swing Trading: A swing trader has an arsenal of technical indicators to uncover opportunities and execute trades. Moving averages are the most frequently used indicators. From the simple moving average (SMA) and the exponential moving average (EMA) to the MACD – there are quite a few different moving averages you can rely on. The time frame for each of these indicators can be looked at through the 5-day moving average, 20-day moving average, and even a 250-day moving average.

4. Long-term trend: position trading

This strategy involves holding positions for a long period of time. Here, of course, we are talking about weeks, months, or even years. By focusing on the overall trend, traders aim to profit from large price movements in the market. This strategy mainly relies on fundamental analysis, macroeconomic factors, and long-term technical analysis.


  • Not time-consuming;
  • Significant gains from long-term market trends;
  • Lower transaction costs.


  • High long-term market risks;
  • Requires significant capital or partnership with a prop firm.

This strategy usually relies on the combination of analysis and technical analysis to identify and capitalize on significant price movements. Position trading can be quite profitable. However, its effectiveness depends on the trader’s expertise, knowledge, risk management practices, self-discipline, and market conditions.

What are the types of position trading? Let's see:

  1. Carry Trade Position Trading: This is a strategy of using a high-yielding currency for funding the trades with a low-yielding currency. A trader attempts to capture the difference between the rates, which can be substantial in most cases;
  2. Fundamental-based Position Trading: Position traders identify long-term investment opportunities by relying mainly on fundamental analysis. They check macroeconomic indicators, central bank policies, and geopolitical events to define the long-term direction of currency pairs.

In conclusion

With FXCI by your side, Forex trading can be profitable. It’s a good way for those who are keen on putting in the time and effort to learn and understand the market. By employing one of the mentioned Forex trading strategies, traders can achieve their financial goals with little effort by generating consistent profits. Whichever strategy you stick to, make sure to enter trades with the required discipline, patience, and a solid intention to adapt and improve.

One of the biggest mistakes of novice traders is changing trading styles or trading systems at the first sign of trouble. Let us assure you that it won’t do you any good as it is a sure way to catch every losing streak. Once you are fine with a trading style, stick to it. Such loyalty will reward you with profits in the long run!

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